Monday, June 29, 2009

the death of Sky

Sky Saxon of the Seeds passed away on June 25. One of the great garage-rock bands of the 60s, Muddy Waters called the Seeds  “America’s Rolling Stones. The group had two hits, Pushin’ Too Hard and Can’t Seem to Make You Mine. 


Besides the music, the Seeds were involved in two of he strangest video artifacts from the 60s. One is an appearance on a typical sixties sit-com, The Mothers-in-Law . Listen carefully and you can hear their music referred to as “gassy.” The Seeds’ music was also used in a dance video  by the late, great Betty Page .

Saxon broke up the Seeds band in 1967 and formed the Sky Saxon Blues Band. After the release of one album, A Full Spoon of Seedy Blues, Saxon reestablished the Seeds but the group did not attract any mainstream attention.

Saxon released a number of albums under various band names including The Starry Seeds Band, Sky Saxon & FirewallKing and Shapes Have Fangs. 

In 2008, Saxon and the Seeds collaborated on some new songs and recordings with Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins.

You can read more about the seeds here




Paul D Brazill said...

Nice post. The seeds kicked out some smashing stuff.

r2 said...

Thanks. I agree. I've been reading some of your stuff in the ezines. Nice work.